
2 cents on creativity

Just something I've been noticing lately.

Eminem + reading (self development) = high motivation levels and highly creative/inspired state of mind

Reading + morning walk + daft punk = highly creative/inspired state of mind

Going to continue to realize my inner workings from now on. The possibilities are endless. 

Not doing this for any goal attainment but just for the joy and inspiration I feel. For how spontaneous I become and how everything suddenly seems easy. And things that used to scary, don't scare me anymore.
I also realized that up until now I used to excessively over-think.  Lately I've been trying to just stop thinking about things to do, but rather think only about the things I read. As for the real world, I just kind of let it happen. Somehow the world just flows betters when you don't think about it.

One's brain is god. 


Fall is here!

"Good news everyone!" (I hope someone gets the reference)
My beloved Fall morning walks are back! During Summer is already really hot in the morning so my walks are very unpleasant, but now it's really nice again!

A thing I have been noticing lately is that self development books (still reading "Awaken the giant within"...) now all seem equal to me. I still learn a lot don't get me wrong, but many of the "new discoveries" are things that I have already reached conclusions about already by myself. So I wither need to find new kinds of books or other kinds of activities to get my creative and ambitious blood flow running. 


burn burn burn

I've been meaning to read Jack Kerouac's "On the road" for some time, but this passage, in another book that I am now reading (Little Brother) made me change my mind into doing it sooner. The way W1nst0n (the main character of the book I'm reading) depicts Kerouac's work is so very well done that, well, I'm convinced.

The two young lovers discussing the book and the circunstances surrounding them was one of the good moments of this piece called "Little Brother".

I need people like those. With a burning desire for something. These are the people that make the world function. That are able to change the world.