"The Lion King", the movie I watched countless times as a kid. This is the kind of movie that shows a situation common to everyone, and it somehow makes it look epic and inspiring.
I'd like to focus the "remember who you are". Because it kind of looks like what I've been through since I came to Japan. Where I'm relearning what it is "to feel", to understand others and myself.
And by the way, I started reading a new book and have already read about half of it.
And...actually...! It was because of the new book I'm reading that I made this Lion King post.
The book is called "Talent is Overrated: What Really Separates World-Class Performers from Everybody Else" and it made me realize some things about myself. I don't like bragging and that is not my intention, but now I think I have underestimated myself.
It led me to thinking some more. And I remember one time, I was accompanying my Japanese teacher to the bus stop and somehow the conversation led to her saying that I have a gift for languages. I told her that I don't, that anyone could do what I did (learn japanese). I remember her face, she was kind of surprised with my answer. The trick is just to put in the hours, the effort. And this book is giving factual evident to what I always felt, with japanese language and with other things (sports is a given, soccer in my case).
Also, I started reading a japanese manga. Wohooo!
Well, I just have to keep reading. Keep doing my research. Keep doing translation.Try so socialize some more. And eat different foods, because variety DOES make a difference.
Have a nice weekend!
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