

Yesterday I finished reading 夏目漱石's 「こころ」. It was probably one of the deepest and beautifulest things (and books) I've ever read. Not only I could relate to a lot of things, and thanks to this book I could understand better my own こころ because of the carefully depicted descriptions of the こころ, or mind/heart/spirit of the characters involved.

I'm still reading "Orwell's "1984". (2/3 chapters a week. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.”  ⇒ "Some kinds of failure are better than other kinds" yeah, same writer alright. this kind of political fiction satirical books are quite interesting, will want to read more...)
Still reading 「グローバリゼーションとは何か」 but will finish soon. And it's proving to be a quite interesting and complex subject. I actually feel I'm studying by reading this, but studying in a way that does not feel like study, because I'm enjoying it.
Also have 「IT文明論」 to read.
And will also start reading more japanese fiction, will finish reading 吉本バナナ's 「キッチン」 and will then move to 太宰治's 「人間失格」.

Here's my 読書メーター account: http://i.bookmeter.com/u/254675

After this will probably change the reading genre for only one or two books. Because I have other 漱石's books I want to read. soon.

Besides books, I've also, FINALLY been able to enjoy other media. I actually don't know why this change happened, why I couldn't focus in neither (games, books, tv, etc), but now it's like I'm back to the time where actually enjoyed playing videogames.

I think I stopped enjoying them because ever since I started learning Japanese that I said to myself that I would only do X (media) if it were in Japanese. Since mastering Japanese to the level where I can enjoy media fully takes some time, I was hobbieless for quite some time. All because I was stubborn to the point of not letting myself do other things unless done in Japanese.

But anyway, I have finally reached that level. The level that allows me to enjoy whatever it is , in Japanese, without much difficulties. One thing though, I can actually read Japanese for quite some time now, but only lately I could start focusing and understand what's written. Not sure why.

Back to pokemon for instance! It's interesting/funny to see the mood swings while I'm playing. And the micro expressions associated with the momentum's feelings. Something I've always done, always felt, but never acknowledged as being emotions.
I'm playing Pokemon SoulSilver, a remake from GameBoy's Pokemon Silver version. It's good to be back to Johto again. 

Also, as I have already mentioned on my twitter account, I'm following "The Big Bang Theory", a comedy TV series, that I particularly enjoy watching while I'm having dinner.

And classes start tomorrow. I miss having classes.
As for classes in Japan, in the future...I intend on staying here for a master's degree alright, I'm just not sure if it is possible, because even with scholarship, I still have to pay a lot of money in order to pay the entrance fee, classes fees, several associations (...) entry's fee, etc.

To take a master's degree here is the only way to extend my stay here until I'm 100% comfortable. Because once I come back to Portugal, it's going to be hard to come back here. And that's what scares me the most.

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