
大阪 and こころ

went to 大阪.
it's completely different from 京都. makes me think that 京都 is a more conservative, but peaceful city. 大阪 on the other hand has a much more "variety" of people. it was the first time I noticed such a difference with city/people.


me, a mexican and a japanese friend (they both studied in portugal)

ate "pastel de nata" for the first time in Japan. not the same...and expensive


 I've been reading 夏目漱石's "こころ" as I've said before. I've been busy and going here and there so that it's taking me time from the book, but, in anyway, I still manage to read a bit everyday (even in the train, if necessary). I've noticed that, as I read it, I discover things about the heart, and read a lot of things to which I can relate, and while I'm reading those things, I start remembering what I've lived, and making connections of my "past" and my past's unawareness with my present and yet full and controllable awareness. Yes. Day by day I've been understanding myself a bit more.
And while I read this, I feel this need to 甘える because I make the so called connects and have the 見覚え that make me lose focus so I stop reading and start feeling my heart's vibrations and get in this 夢中 state that, I've felt many, many times when I missed ... when I first came here.

And I had never understood why some people, a lot of people prefer 田舎 to big cities. I think I do now. Yesterday I went to 大阪 and I could feel the heat and vibrations from the the people that were incessantly passing by.

But actually this is quite...enlightening. I feel that everyday I can construct and design myself a bit more because everything is new to me, what I'm feeling and learning to feel is all new to me. It's like I was (re)born and am learning everything from the beginning. Since I'm here I have "learned" so many くせ from people I know, like, way of talking, way of reacting, gestures, things to like, things not to like, etc. But I just do them naturally, it's not like I am forcing myself, it's more like I unconsciously do it.


am I human?

Am I human?
I mean, seriously. Am I f****** human?

I've been dealing with people from several countries, and apparently, this "feeling other persons heart and/or "energy"" thing is normal to everyone, yet to me this is something completely new. I have only felt the heart of other four people, all asian. 3 japanese, 1 chinese.

I have been reading about it, and living it, but I think that despite all that only today, this morning, when I was talking with an american (what? friend? acquaintance? she surely abstains herself so I'm gonna stay with acquaintance) acquaintance and asked her about this.

I asked her what it meant to feel the other person's heart. This...hum...一体感.

The other day, when I met a portuguese student I asked him too about this. (though he has a Brazilian mother, and might have other education).

They both tell me they can only feel that with people they're close with.

It's like everyone around me is aware and knows, it's natural to them, but to me is something I've never dealt with before (or was never aware of it).

Do I belong to some other category of human being?

I mean, this, is not normal. if people around me, if portuguese people around me can feel everything equally, what does this make me? What am I?

I think that I am starting some kind of (re-)socialization, because it's amazing the ease at which I acquire, without realizing it, people's way of talking, acting, gestures, thinking (?).

But I've always had friends, so if this whole thing is supposed to be normal, why am I just starting "it" now? I've always been considerable sensitive to touch, even with friends that I considered as close (my concept of "close" was different of theirs, theirs was definitely better).

Starting to feel like everyone is ahead of me because they have this "skill".

Therefore, I came to think, since this morning that, I am a failure as a human being,, and I first acknowledged that this morning, and realizing it, and thinking about inside the 京阪 was, really, I mean, I was really sad and disappointed, to the point that I just wanted to be alone and let no one see my face out of shame. and because I had to make an effort to control the muscles of my face.

And ouch, actually saying/thinking this hurts. despite my writing, now, at this precise moment, being.... quite... emotionless.


alter ego? (and stats)

"his mind slid away into the labyrinthine world of doublethink. to know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which cancelled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly forget it again: and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself.  That was the ultimate subtlety: consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word "doublethink" involved the use of doublethink."

George Orwell, "1984"

I was noticing that after reading 5/6 pages of japanese that I would get tired and my mind would start thinking in things other than the content of こころ.

Yes, I'm now reading 夏目漱石's こころ.I have been reading at a relatively slow pace, I'm now in the middle of the of the middle of the book. 「両親と私」, this chapter starts in page 102, finished in page 150, and I'm in the 126th.

Slow pace because, you know, the book is divided in micro chapters, with 2/3 pages long, and at the end of each micro chapter I add new words to my srs.

Finally, I can read in japanese. FINALLY.
I disconnected from the world during the past 4 years to devote myself to learning japanese, and I finally can put the language to some real use, other than living here. Videogames are also cool, but, meh. gotta try'em again sometime soon.

But, was I was going to say before all this off topic, I'm sure you have already noticed the quote from George Orwell's "1984". A book I have been wanting to read for a long time. I was planning on starting to read it, well not today, but couldn't resist.

Because, then again, reading in japanese without breaks makes me lose focus. Instead, I read in small chunks (1, 2 or 3 chapters at a time), then break, add vocab, do something else, and repeat the cycle. Just like my srs (though lately my chunks are bigger like 50 card at a time).

Anyway, I found that quote very interesting. because, despite being in this case associated with the "freedom" (rather lack of it) of the self in the world of what, despotic socialism?, I can also relate it to me, and to my japanese alter ego. Yes, when I speak in japanese, wether I like it or not, I behave considerably differently from when I speak in portuguese (as I have said before). In this case, there's the positive, the conscious Winston's self that has to make the effort of turning into an "unconscious" being in order to stay alive. In other other words, he has to deliberately change his frame of mind in order to adapt to the environment he is in. 

And last but not least, I'll post my srs stats. I don't know why, but I can't use anki in japanese since I upgraded it to the new version. and I'm not even sure if I understand the meaning of these stats, but oh well.

Total cards:11986
Total notes:11986
Lowest ease:130%
Average ease:138%
Highest ease:301%





それに、適当な言葉なのかわかんないですけど、結構敏感?になった。 肉体的にも精神的にも。たとえば、漲る心臓の鼓動と血潮。聞いたこと、いわれたこと、人の行動を見て、気になること。







Language and self, and thoughts on 敬語

Back to writing posts on language.

I'm back to Japan, and despite feeling lonely at times, I find myself amused with japanese media. I recently started reading ドラえもん in Japanese and I''m slowly finding out why manga has so many addicts. I personally like to read a bit at a time. Since one volume has several small "episodes"I read like 3 or 4 each time. Also, in order not to get tired (small characters). I also started watching a tv drama, but so far have only come out 5 episodes...and since I have to wait for the rest, I will watch something else in the meanwhile.

Always, in japanese. I kind of miss japanese. I miss watching things in japanese.

When I came back to Portugal my main language became portuguese again. Now, I'm in Japan and my main language is back to being japanese again. For the first days I remember still thinking in portuguese, for example, while I'm shopping and can't remember what else I wanted to buy, I would think "ah, o que é que faltava mesmo?...", now I've turned to japanese (it took these past few days since I arrived though) and it has become something like "あと、何だっけ?"

My personality also changes, completely, I should emphasize it,when I speak in portuguese and in japanese. And I have discussed this with more people, and at least one of them, a japanese person, was also fluent (I now consider myself relatively fluent in japanese) in both japanese and portuguese. I could see the differences in her when she spoke in portuguese, she has lived in Brasil for 2 years, and her portuguese language personality, is さすがに brazilian.

I, for instance, am a lot more agressive and relaxed when I talk in portuguese. I consider myself fluent in portuguese, japanese and english. I don't speak english that much, but I read and understand completely, and if I'm with a native speaker I can speak without much shame. Because, since I'm not a native, it is OK to make mistakes, but if I find myself with a non english native I get afraid of making mistakes because that person will be able to judge, to compare our language skills. And if I'm speaking with a native, mistakes are considered as 当たり前.

When I speak japanese, I become considerable more quiet, peaceful, reserved, sensitive. I don't know how I am with english, but I'd say a mix, or neutral. But the posts I wrote lately in english are definitely using my portuguese way of thinking, my portuguese self.

But what has been making me think about this the most is that, among my closest portuguese friends, when one of us "fails" (very broad meaning, we wouldn't say this if, for instance, someone would not pass an exam, we only use this to make fun of each other, it is somehow an expression that connotes that we are close) at something, we usually say "é para aprenderes", actually we say this in slang, becoming something like "é pa'prenderes!".

I sometimes find myself wanting to say that to someone here, but I'm blocked by the japanese language. I don't even know if there's some expression in the japanese language that conveys the same meaning and connotation, but truth of the matter is that, when the time comes I think of that expression I use in portuguese (only use it with close people) and keep shut in japanese.

That's the only expression in portuguese that I can think of that I can't say in japanese, or that I feel the need to say but can't. In the japanese language, however, that are a lot more expressions, words and 概念 that I can't say/express in portuguese because no one would give me the favor of understanding.

Just yesterday, I met with a friend who studies portuguese and I think that during the time we were together that my mind finally turned into japanese. I remember speaking with him, my japanese was all coming back to me and at some point I was speaking so fast that I was surprised with myself (and I've felt this before too, here in Japan).

And for the second time, that, while your brain makes the change from one language to the other, thus making you more fluent in the language and self you're turning too, and I've noticed this for at least two times, you start forgetting things in your other language. For instance, yesterday, I was trying to remember a portuguese friend's name and as much as I thought I couldn't remember it. I was so engaged in the japanese language that I just couldn't remember it. And as I said, this has happened to me at least one more time before. It's one of those really strange moments that you notice that something's not normal, but you don't think about it at the moment, but think about it later, as I'm doing now.

We were walking around the sea shore, and in the beginning I was a bit nervous because I didn't know what to talk about. So we had a few weird silence moments, but then we started talking about the differences in portuguese from portuguese speaking countries and the conversation got fluid to the point that we needed to find a place to seat to be more comfortable.
Other than this differences in the language and self, there's 敬語, in japanese this is necessary to distingh your position in relation to someone else, in portuguese we don't have this. I mean we have our ways of expressing in a more polite manner, but it has nothing to do with status (or so I think), it's just to be and look polite and wel behaved and give a good impression of ourselves. Or to look like a person with status by talking to others in a haughty way, 鼻が高い.

For example (from the perspective of a 21 year old).

among friends
"Desculpa, não percebi, podes repetir?"
among someone were not close with
"Desculpe, não percebi, podia repetir?"(average person)
"Desculpe, não percebi, o senhor podia fazer o favor de repetir?" (person that looks like it as some kind of higher status)

when talking to a young person in the street (if the person looks respectful, I might use more polite language, if the person looks casual I'd just say it like this)
 Olha, desculpa, podias dizer-me as horas? (using casual speech not to make them feel uncomfortable)
when talking to someone 30+ in the street
Desculpe, podia dizer-me as horas? (average person)
A senhora podia fazer o favor de me dizer as horas? (person that looks like it has some kind of higher status)

In the portuguese business culture, it's normal for the boss to call the employee by it's name, and the employee call the boss by "o senhor", though I'm not sure.

The problem when we use more polite language in portuguese, unlike in japanese, is that if we use it, we're using it because we don't know the person or have no and don't want to have a relation with her. I personally feel very uncomfortable when someone talks to me very politely because I don't know how to react. Specially if it's people around my age. I get this little shock and then ask to treat them by "tu" because it's very weird, I want to make the person and myself feel comfortable too.

This is obviously also related to one's age, I feel uncomfortable if someone my age or older speaks to me using more respectful language, but when I'm older, I will probably feel uncomfortable if someone younger I don't know speaks to me in a casual manner.

For instance, I have been talking to the owner of a few (2 or 3 portuguese 中小企業 and in the beginning he told me or encouraged me to speak casually to him. I tried, but gave up even before trying, it would just be weird, he is way older and he is not my family so I'm not allowed to. Of course, he uses casual speech when addressing to me.

I have never experienced 敬語 (謙譲語、尊敬語)で話されたこと, so I really don't know how it feels. I have used it to lower myself and elevate the other person, when I talk like this I want the other person to know I'm aware of the status difference, to know that I like her, to know that I respect and value her presence, to ensure that I'm there for the person, that I can be used by the person whenever necessary.

I've also seen very times foreigners using speaking in casual style to higher status/age people, and when I hear that (and I myself do it, I'm so much more used to casual speech that I do it unintentionally, it just comes out) I just feel an inner "ouch", and start imagining the way the superior person might feel inside.

There are also times when I don't really know how to speak, for example when a person who's older than me but still in their mid/late twenties speaks to me in casual, I'm not really sure how to speak so I tend to be neutral and use 丁寧語 but end up using casual speech a lot times (again, because it comes out without thinking).



I have a lot of spare time now, and since I'm still in the process of discovering myself, I decided to look at my past and present with pets.

Actually, despite what I've become, when I was a kid, now that I think about it, I actually was much more interesting than what I am now.

When I was a kid I had as an hobbie reading/looking at magazines about cats and dogs (those one finds and can take out from the vet for free).

I used to spend a lot of time at the vet. I loved going to that place because it had a lot of animals. When I was a kid, my dream was to become a vet.
I always had many pets, even now. My dogs have died on the past 3/4 years, some cats too, but I still have many cats (3 at my dad's, 6 inside and 10 outside at my mom's, and another bunch of them at my grandma's)

 my dog Buddy, an irish setter that was abandoned near my house, my dog Micas and my grandma's dog
 the 3 cats I have at my dad's (さき, リザ and tininho - black ones are brothers)

Jeff and Tétis

Jiong Jiong (囧囧), Ruferta and wicca (aka fininha)
I forgot to write about why I stopped wanting to become a vet. As I grew, somehow I started fearing watching blood, to the point that I can't stand being in hospitals (just the smell makes me nauseous) and when I hear someone talk about diseases, I automatically lose energy, it's really weird. It's the same as if like I'm approaching someone in a bad mood, it makes me lose energy (balance, get nauseaus etc) : p










友達に尊敬されるのはまだちょっとおかしいと思っている (ほら、まだ、あのくせ)。尊敬されることや、意見などを無視されないことはまだ、私には、びっくり。初めて気がついたのは日本だった。買い物をするときは、友達に意見や賛否を聞かれた。最初は、ブロックし、言いようがなく、迷い、いくらよくても、いやだでも、中立な、反対でない意見を言い出した。






