
When it rains look for rainbows, when it's dark look for stars

And I'm back in Japan!

A little worried with the jetlag, since I can't think straight in this condition and I'm often "off". So any negativity, please, mind my mind.
Hopefuly I'll get back with better posts. School motivates me. People motivate me. And I'm feeling a lot more proactive and self confident now. It's really like many say "

I feel I'm more proactive since I came from Portugal. Indeed humans are not lone creatures. I feel motivated every time I speak to someone I like or just from seeing their facebook messages.

Every interaction I have makes me feel something in my heart now. More deeply than I ever felt or was aware of.
That's it. I was little or nothing self conscious of my own emotions, and that jeopardized everything in my life until now. I was having bad emotions all my life with not so much substantial triggers, (really stupid things) that I have slowly been washing away. 

Now let's continue with the Toyota's philosophy of "Continuous Improvement" (改善).

Yes, we can.

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