So, less than 2 weeks to go to 京大 and take the 日本語能力試験N1. going to focus on learning as much vocab and will try to make more mock tests (have one left to do).
That said, having the test done I can finally start starting the plan of the project I've been thinking for some weeks now.
I've been reading this book (not so much lately, been busy), and already read its english version. I'd like to translate it to portuguese. I know it will take a lot, and I mean a LOT of time to translate. Not only it is a considerably complex subject to the western mind, as it contains words there that only exist on the japanese language. Just a matter of studying again and picking the best translation technique as possible.
I will probably give up at like page 1 or 2/318, but thinking about this for the past few weeks as been getting me kind excited, so allow me to continue in high spirits. Having this idea in mind makes me confident I can do it (because I really like the book and want to make it the best translation as possible) and makes me want to start studying translation (just let the N1 test pass and will go back to the book I was reading on traslation up until a few months ago).
Also, it's been 2 months since my classes started. My favorite japanese class is 作文力. It's really useful. I've been learning how to write emails and write essays.
In the 読解 we've been reading pieces of japanese literature and japanese 昔話.
In the 文法 class we've been learning and practicing, well, hum, grammar.
In the PC class we've been working with microsoft excel and in the second part of the class practicing speaking/intonation/speech.
In the media class we listen to the teacher explaining the latest news he brings to the class, we also make comments. In the second part of the class we usually watch a video and the teacher makes comments and explains the content.
In the 聴解 we have been listening to news and making listening exercices.
In the 速読 class we have been practising explaing the content of a part of text we read to our teammates (we also do this in the PC class), but now it's time to make presentations, so that each one of us has to prepare a news article and explain it to the class in spoken, 丁寧な japanese.
So, now I'm going to read a bit on twitter, then I'm going to take my milk and watch one or two episodes of desperate housewives.
thanks for reading ~
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