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A...nd the main subject.
In the past few weeks I've been a bit busy with homework. I have homework now only for the japanese language classes (divided by skills) and also have homework (not always) for the Japanese culture related classes. But anyway, homework is no excuse for anything,. It's no excuse, but it does take some time which makes me have less time for other things. One of those things is reading. It's not like I'm a huge fan of reading, BUT, I do like it. And when I do it, I try to make that moment the best as possible. In fact, just today when I was at the 膳所 station waiting for a friend, I went to the cafeteria, sat there drinking カフェ・オ・レー (my gosh 3百円! talk about gourmet!) and reading. . When I read I tend to underline the main points and make a circle around the words I don't know.
But anyway, I was reading and I was acquiring this really awesome, practical knowledge that made my brain, again, somehow move, or make connections or whatever. For that reason, I'm going to read as much practical, but within my interests, books as possible. I'm living in 京都市 and near my house there are (at least) two book shops and the one that belongs to the university. There are so many cheap books, so many interesting titles that it just makes me want to read a gazillion of 'em.
I'm reading two books now. Almost finishing one of them and the other will take some time.
One thing I noticed lately I think my reading speed has increased. This week I was reading the book I'm soon to finish and realized that I had already read half of it. And was kind of surprised. It's a small book, but for the time I had spent before reading it (not that much) I advanced quickly. Besides, it's a practical book, to its reading is pretty much straightforward. And I'm happy to say that the frequency of circling new words as decreased.
Just yesterday when I left my dorm to take some air, I stopped by a bookstore nearby, and saw an interesting book that presented トヨタ and its 改善 way as an example for japanese enterprises. But I'm going to look for them in the university library (though I really dislike this kind of time pressure, putting pressure on something one actually enjoys doing is kind of 酷い.
Tomorrow I'm meeting with a friend in 京都駅 at 12am, but since I need to buy/look for some stuff I'm going earlier. But first, obviously I'm going to study.
But anyway, no wonder why the japanese are so intelligent. They have books for everything, besides, books are tiny and cute, and are filled with colorful titles and letters and suggestive covers. Gotta love them.
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