But as for the japanese language, to be honest, I don't feel that big differences, besides being constantly learning how to write texts, how to write emails (in the 5クラス we have this kind of classes).
My pronunciation is also getting better. but it's something one needs to pay attention even when one speaks and not only when one practices.
As for listening... the only thing I notice is that I can understand pretty much everything. Just yesterday when to a 就職活動 like seminar or something like that (well, it's for free and I get to learn something and practice japanese, so why not?) and was actually surprised because I was understanding everything.
Reading. I'm reading faster and faster and better. But not as much as I wanted. I tend to read like only a bit per day, like if I'm in the train, even for just like 10 minutes, I read, and lately I've only been reading in this kind of small intervals between some activity. What I read up until now, despite being not that much, it's knowledge that I will have for my whole life and that I hope I can put to practice. 日本語で読めば読むほど、もっとわかるようになる。
Taking notes. In the listening class we practice how to take notes. I'm not very good at it, as opposed to the chinese in my class (they write kanji fast : | ). and like if you're used to write something in kanji, but because you have no time to think and need to write in hiragana, making the transition from kanji to hiragana also takes time, so this is a bit frustrating. But despite feeling I'm not progressing I know I am.
I can't wait to come back and 見せる.
Then there's the bad part that it's when I feel "home"sick. really, seriously, influenced by what I know and see everyday.
and it's saturday morning, going to study a bit, then will have lunch and in the afternoon will do some shopping.
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