So please listen to my chirbit. I think that my pronunciation as improved considerably, I only noticed that now, when I listened to it.
Having JLPT N1 next week! Today I went to the mall and bought a book to practice 文字・語彙 which I intend on finishing in the next 2/3 days. It has around 500 questions, so I test myself, then see the answers and study the ones I failed and those I was not so sure about.
I want to make it clear that, 2.5 months have passed since I came to Japan, and the differences in myself are so many (or so I feel it) that I'm can't wait to go back. But on the other hand, I also feel excited because I still have a considerable ammount of time to spend here, which means more changes or improvements on what has already changes.
The other day an email come from the teacher who's responsable for my class and he wrote that 2/3 of the semester were gone. That kinda made me think that this is going by so fast. And I'm sure that the day I come back to Portugal and get established there (if that happens), that I will miss Japan a lot.
But, nevertheless, I now miss a lot of things I took for granted in Portugal, such as my lattes, bread, going to the library/cafe with friends. Those little thing,s that make your day worth and of course, people, my friends and people who I admire.
I'm learning so much here and it's not necessarily Japanese language. だから、日本に来て良かったなあ。