
Wuwei and Jishin (or "Inactivity" and "Self-belief")

無為 (chinese notion mention in a book referred below)
自信 (japanese)

For the past few months that I have been noticing considerable differences in myself. Every aspect of life now seems peaceful and in control. This has to do to with the mind shift that has been occurring with me.

To the extent that whatever thing I face (like presentations, or just novelty that used to be scary some months ago), I face them with this weird peacefulness. It's like I believe that I can do it without trouble.

Let me give you an example.

Doing presentations.
In Portugal, when I gave presentations (within a group almost all the time), I used to memorize what I had to say and we practiced together as a group, after school in some empty classroom. 
Coming to Japan, I no longer have that kind of group projects to do.

But anyway. When I prepare (memorize by heart) whatever I have to say, I get very nervous, afraid of forgetting something during the moment, and this pressure, or fear, of the potential mind freeze is much harder than just not stress about it. It's like, don't think about it, go relaxed, and just trust yourself. It will naturally happen.

As curious as it might be, I started reading a book on this (Trying Not to Try: The Art and Science of Spontaneity) just this week. I just read an article about it on Brain Pickings and just felt like reading it. I'm still not even half way thought it, but it's been enlightening to some extent.
I have this need to question and understand my mind and improve it as much as possible. Letting behind the garbage it used to be inside of it.

I can now focus, I am back to feeling joy and even pride, or just plain happy, for knowing the Japanese language, and thankful for knowing English and being a Portuguese native speaker. Instead of focusing on the limitations, I started focusing on the possibilities.

Yes, the mind is a very complex and beautiful thing. Or at least it turns beautiful when you gain control over it.

I already started taking some further steps and risks and will start immersing in novelty (as doing different things I wouldn't usually do) here in Japan, slowly, but still.

It's time to let go of who I was and become the new self that has been forming here full time.

In the end, I really don't know what to call this, is this some sort of stage into maturity/adulthood?

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