I 'm writing from my home and I have no inspiration whatsover. I wanted to be writing at some cafe, but I don't have my netbook with me and the laptop I'm using now is far too heavy for me to be carrying it around the city.
But anyway, I'll write something, maybe what I felt, what I did since I arrived here and my plans for the next few days.
China - Japan, Japan - Portugal
As I said, I arrived some days ago, after a 11 hour trip Osaka-Frankfurt + 6 hours waiting in frankfurt + around 3 hours Frankfurt - Oporto. This was probably one of the most exausting"periods" I've ever lived. Let's see.
Arrived to Japan from China, at around 8 PM, carrying one 荷物 and a backpack, nedless to say that, despite being a 3 hour trip (Beijing - Osaka), I had to leave my friends house at around 9am, to catch the 10am shuttle bus from Tianjin to Beijing. It took around 2.30 hours. Then plus 3 hours waiting until the airplane left to Japan. When I arrived to the 関西国際空港 I caught a shuttle bus to 京都駅 and it took around one hour and a half.
at Beijing Airport
It was raining. A lot. And I had no umbrella. So I went from 稲荷駅 to 龍谷会館 at a very slow pace (I was tired and the baggage was heavy) under the rain.
Arrived to the 龍谷会館 around 10++ (?), put my baggage in my bedroom and went straigh to the shower. After the shower I unpacked and went to put some clothes in the laundry. Then I took a coffee and spoke to a portuguese friend through skype. And then to my japanese 先輩, who's in Germany until 2am, then I went to take the laundry out. I honestly don't know how I was able to do this after the trip, but I suspect that the shower made some kind of miracle.
Despite being this tired I didn't sleep at all. And I was starting to stress out because I had to leave to Portugal in one day time. The next morning I was dead tired. I had little balance, and was kinda shaky and sensitive. But still I spent my day as I usually do. Had to take care of some stuff in the morning so I had no choise other than just do it. I took a 2 hour nap from 10 to 12am, and was a little better in the afternoon. In the same day I went to a Korean 焼肉 restaurant with a chinese friend.
Came back, checked my baggage (two this time) again, did nothing in special and at around ten went to bed but only fell asleep at around 1am, lol. Guess I was anxious and looking forward to come back.
Woke up at five, was in 稲荷駅at six, but the train was only at 6.20, so I stressed out because the shuttle bus I had 予約した was at 6.40. But I arrived 5 minutes earlier, so 大丈夫.
Some more waiting at the airport and finally the plane left. A 11 hour trip to Frankfurt. Without sleeping. Then another plus six hours waiting in Frankfurt, with all my muscles sore and tired, very tired. In my last hour in Frankfurt, I met a guy I met at the chinese new year lunch at my university last year. He was there to go to a job interview, and he stopped studying chinese. He also mentioned he was going to learn german at the company if he got hired. I also met an acquantaince who happens to be from my hometown too, so it was an interesting and not to boring hour, just before entering the airplane.
It was weird to be sorrounded by portuguese people. Even before entering the airplane, when I was waiting and there were only a few people waiting too, I noticed a man, with a suggestive moustache, and I thought to myself "he has to be portuguese", and indeed he was. I heard him talk to the phone.
This was probably the best moment in this long, long day, because I fell asleep for some minutes in the airplane.
When I landed, I had to be waiting for my baggage for around 15 minutes, and was starting to get impatient. After having them back, finally went to my house.
I felt the effect of the jetlag up until some 3, 4 days ago. I was going to bed everyday at around 9 and waking up at 3am. And this is boring, because cafes only open at 7/8...so I had to wait a lot.
Since than that I've been meeting some friends, either from the university and hometown. It was good. Some moments were very funny, some moments were boring.
drinking latte (galão)/caffe with friends (地元) at night, what a joy!
I'm not sure if it's because I'm different and am less tolerant for things that annoy me (as weird as it might sound, I say this because I lose my nerve faster, since I came to Japan. And can be quite assertive and even agressive if necessary. But anyway, again, got disappointed at a few people. I guess some people just don't...合う. But I admit, being again with my two best friends from university was very, very good.
But if I had to choose the best day I spent here, until
now it was definitely past Friday. I think I don't need words to express
how much I enjoyed this day.
Now I have plan to go back to Braga a few days, going to have a dinner with some high school friends, and intend on metting some other friends, and also spend time with two close cousins, though I'm not sure I'm going to be able to.
Being back to Portugal made me think that I indeed enjoy life here, more than I do in Japan, or so I think now. Actually, I think I changed a bit since I left Japan to China and now Portugal. Some things have become clearer and that will probably make me able to improve the relations I have there and that I'm still to have.
Another thing that's worrying me, is that I still am not sure on what I want to do in the future. Fortunately, it's not due to the lack of options, but due to the excess of 'em. I don't mind studying until the age of 25 (just the masters takes 2 years and I'd like to spend some time in other country too, most likely China before starting to work too...), so I'm kinda lost here, but I just need to make an option.
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