
reflections and goals

first, some statistics

単語帳が作成された時期:9.3 ヶ月
カードの合計数: 9496
ファクトの合計数: 9496

復習期間の長いカード: 8022 (84.5%)
復習期間の短いカード: 1474 (15.5%)
まだ見ていないカード 0 (0.0%)
平均間隔 77.9 日間

2011 reflections

watched 「アネゴ」、 「名前をなくした女神」、「それでも生きてゆく」、 「美しい隣人」、「心の糸」、and 「Ayu Ready」 (still watching).

became able to understand music lyrics without seeing them.

improved my listening and speaking skills

improved my reading skills and vocabulary (news and random articles, even books and videogames)

I am grateful to my Japanese Teachers and Ayumi Hamasaki who always motivated me. Without their support I would never have reached my current Japanese level, which, from my own standards is not good enough (except perhaps for the course I'm enrolled in). Two or three years ago all this seemed impossible. It was one of my dreams to take the JLPT someday. Accomplished it already (N4, at least).

2012 GOALS

pass N2

take N1

go to Japan

get smarter, I want to have knowledge on several fields

improve all skills (including osaka ben)

read books (5, one in march), play videogames (finish 「逆転裁判 for now」), watch dramas and movies, make friends (needless to say, Japanese only activities)

translate random articles so that I can get some practice

get a job using Japanese if going to Japan turns out to be impossible (thanks Japanese government! All this work for nothing, I devoted my life to Japan and Japanese, continued loyal above all to my peers and Japanese language (all students go to china), stayed until 24.00 in the library just to help my friends with Japanese and yet, here I am, frustrated and suffering with the scholarship thing, family matters and friendship matters. I guess I deserve this, for some reason unkown to me. This is so fucking painful that I honestly don't where I get my motivation from. I think I just like japanese, anyway, it's a part of me now.
I just want to be taught stuff in japanese, is it too much to ask...? Indeed it is, no one here in Portugal can do that. And going to Japan is close to impossible.)

improve my english american accent

watch american tv series (desperate housewives, futurama, the simpsons, american dad, sex and the city, etc)

develop more muscle and impulsion (explosion) power in my legs in order to run faster

3 件のコメント:

  1. Pfew, finally made it to the 2012 articles !

    I don't know why but somehow it felt pleasant reading your Japanese, usually I don't read so much Japanese, I felt a bit proud :P
    And of course it's nice to see how dedicated to Japanese you are.
    Reading your blog I was also surprised to see how similar our methods are (well by that I really mean a strong Anki-vocab based learning method...), it seems to be as fruitful for you as it has been for me.
    Oh and I just found out you're CarolinaCG on kanji.koohii forums, I remember reading some of your posts ! Really same background eh...

    I didn't completely get what happened with the scholarship and your going to Japan project, but keep it up, surely you'll go there someday. And by then you'll be happy of all the work you've put into Japanese...
    Erm it's a bit sudden but maybe I have a plan for you to go to Japan (not sure it'll work). Tell me if you wanna hear more (maybe by PM on RtK forums? I don't know)

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