
The kid knows.

And the original

Regardless of the situation, you're gonna be alright.


My thoughts on the Runner's High

Immediately after I wrote the post before this one I went for my usual session. And after 3/4 minutes of cycling I was feeling high. Don't get me wrong, I don't know what feeling high actually means, I only know this feeling, and it feels "high".

It happened after my muscles reached like their limit, and after the explosion after that. Like your muscles reach the tipping point right? Like their maximum performance. But when you go beyond that and explode. Kind of like. You feel these cool vibes throughout your body. And when you just pass by random people those vibes get stronger and you feel even "higher".

What I felt was something I feel rather often (while listening to music for instance) like, I feel invincible, I get this sort of tunnel vision, my eyes get big and shiny (kind of like watery?), or at least I feel them that way. My creativity explodes, everything seems easy and attainable, and I suddenly get these urges for adventure, like going to those epic places (like in the pictures below). I get this out of nowhere motivation, strength, creativity, I become a really big dreamer. All of this in a matter of seconds.

I don't even know where these places are, I just picked them randomly from the internet.


High Life

Hello leaders!

So this morning I was reading an article about running and it refers at some time the "runner's high". I had heard this term before and, to be sure and more certain, looked it up again. It led me to "peak experience" and the famous "flow". You see, name it to tame it. I often have the "peak experience", mostly through music, but also when I'm enthusiastic about some hobbies (reading books and adding new words for example).

So I decided I consciously want to feel these more often! I often exercise so I will study the runner's high phenomena (I know I have felt it many times before) and just try to learn as much as possible so that I can have/feel it more often and more intensely.

This will be also awesome to try and implement when I get to a management position at some company.

Just trying to live the best and most fulfilling life I can. Classes are about to start so I'll have a "study" goal too.

In the meanwhile, I created a blog on "cyberpunk", check it out. It's "cyberpunk", but I will every now and then post non-cyberpunk media/whatever reviews and opinions.



September reads

"The belief that becomes truth for me... is that which allows me the best use of my strength, the best means of putting my virtues into action."

Andre Gide

Reading this book now. So far so awesome.

I'm reading this book because the author of another book I'm reading mentioned Anthony Robbins in her book (so I was reading "Quiet" before starting "Awaken the Giant Within").