let's just put it this way.
-school finished.
-going to move.
-translation (love learning random facts from it).
-still have a few problems understanding and adapting to some cultural differences.
-I am a lot more 幅広い than I thought I were before coming to Japan. it was all here, I just didn't know it. and I'm way more complex than I thought.
-going mad with this heat.
-despite the emotional difficulties, I love japan more each day.
-locked my twitter account.
-my japanese is getting better. listening to kansai dialect everyday is making my speech a bit different lately. think its because my head is now with japanese mode on. so cool when talking to someone in portuguese through skype and need to block the japanese language from coming out of my mouth.
-have far too many things I like doing actually makes choosing one a difficult task.
now on the portuguese language.
I was translating and noticed that in portuguese we emphasize the self perhaps even more than the english language. we are also very precise with details when we speak.
for example.
"eu tornei-me numa pessoa que sabe falar japonês."
"I have become a person who speaks japanese."
in "eu tornei-me" the self is emphasized twice. "eu" meaning "I" and "-me", which I need to add to the verb to assure that it was me, and not someone/something else, that has become xxxx.
another example, it sounds weird, but oh well.
"eu tornei o meu amigo numa pessoa capaz de falar japonês."
I made my friend become able to speak japanese.
it does not have the "-me" because it was not me the one who became able to speak japanese.
well, this is it.